Ballrooms consist of audio, visual and lighting systems in general. Ballrooms are usually wide and come with high ceilings. It is usually an image of the building where it is located and it is critical to consider every detail of the systems that are going to be installed for the ballrooms.

The audio design needs to be robust and it is very important to have an equal and even sound pressure distribution for ballroom sound systems. Fixed mount audio systems for the stage area where the fixed mount stage is in place and in certain scenarios where the rooms are designed to break apart into more than one room, the sound equipment is designed in a flexible manner to match the specific requirements of the venue. The microphone system is one of the systems that needs to be considered thoroughly when we consider the ballroom sound system.

MICC Ballroom at Nay Pyi Taw, AV systems installed by BOH

Visual systems usually comprise projector systems and sometimes use LED walls, and multiple unit video wall panels are also common these days. Whatever format of displays we are going to choose, the clarity of the image and sufficient contrast ratio and brightness of the image are the important factors when we design the visual part of the ballroom systems.

Digital signage and information displays are common these days and these are also utilized as a feature of the ballroom systems.

Lighting systems usually come in two different ways of installation. One is the fixed installation and the other is provision of hooks and bars and the lamps are to be installed upon specific requirement.

Zealax Hotel Ballroom, AV systems installed by BOH

The video capturing systems are required when the venue is meant to be used for high profile meetings and events and the restricted access of outside camera men into the rooms. The video cameras need to be installed across the room and are usually controlled directly from the control room.

Control systems come as last part of the integration for the ballroom systems. Wired or wireless control systems utilize and make it autonomous as the user desires.

The plug and play capabilities of the ballroom system are also critical for today’s environment. The ballroom needs to have sufficient plug and play capabilities so that the venue user will have more freedom to choose from. The user can bring in their own device and set up the venue as they wish.

Team BOH has vast experience of system integration for the hotel ballrooms and convention centers. Our clients can have in-depth discussion with our experts and can have top notch design for the ballrooms to their fullest potential.

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